大里 文青店面x平價美食 推薦給大家!!
店家: 金記麵點
電話: 04-24831778
營業時間: 11:00-15:00/ 16:30-21:00
地址: 台中市大里區中興路二段199-5號
Name: Jin Ji Mian Dian Noodle Bar
TEL: 04-24831778
OPEN: 11:00-15:00/ 16:30-21:00
Address: No. 199-5, Sec. 2, Zhongxing Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City 412, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
剛開幕不久而以唷! 大家有機會可以來嘗鮮~
Let's GO~
The environment is really clean, there are approximate 25 sit in the restaurant.
-金記肉燥麵 $40
-金記餛飩湯麵 $60
-隔間肉 $30
-豆包 $20
-百頁豆腐 $20
Above all Taiwanese food, hard to translate into English, please see the photos~ all of these are delicious!
這間店用的是細麵,超愛細麵! 因為吃起來比較不會像在吃麵糰。肉燥很香,剛上桌時恨不得我先吃!! (但還是得相機先吃…)
餛飩雖然不大顆,但是味道不錯,湯有加紅蔥頭味道特別到位! 這樣的價位我覺得很OK!
滷味我覺得整體都非常棒! 味道樸實清單,不會重鹹~想加辣或醬油旁邊也都有調味料! 滿足各種口味大眾!
菜單 Menu
當時是被他們招牌吸引! 想說進去看看,本以為價位會很高,但是是平價路線~值得N次回訪的店! 回訪次數應該可以讓店員都認識我XD
The meal at this restaurant is Taiwanese traditional food, not expensive and the flavor is really good! In my opinion, you can feel free to order the meal even you don’t understand Chinese because everything is delicious! I will definitely visit this restaurant again and again!
The environment is good! Simple flavor but delicious!
謝謝閱讀胖狗狗的美食推薦日記~喜歡的朋友再幫我分享出去喔~Thank U& LOVE U
Thanks for reading "FAT DOG" like to eat diary, please help me to share if you like it~ LOVE U